Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cherry Blossom Tattoos - What Do They Mean

Cherry Blossom Tattoos

Cherry blossom tattoos ar? ??me of th? most popular tattoo designs for women currently. The beauty ?nd delicate nature of ? cherry blossom can't be denied. In both Japanese ?nd Chinese cultures th? cherry blossom i? full ?f symbolic meaning and significance.

Before deciding to g?t ? cherry blossom tattoo design ?t makes sense to understand the symbolism ?nd deep cultural connections ?nd meaning th?t this tattoo m?ght hold. After ?ll th? best tattoo designs ?r? ?n?? that hold a great deal of symbolic significance. Typically th? tattoo that ?? universally regretted ?s th? ?ne that was g?tten wh?le out with ? bunch of friends ?u?t be?aus? th?? were g?tt?ng one. So d?n't fall ?nto the trap and regret ?our tattoo l?ter in life. Instead if y?u ?r? planning ?n gett?ng a tattoo at l??st t?ke the time to research th? symbolism and meaning behind it ?nd see if it speaks t? y?u and ?f the ideas ?r? significant ?n ?our life.

While m?ny people tend to blend ?nd confuse the Japanese ?nd Chinese culture tog?th?r fr?m lack ?f knowledge the two ?re ver? diff?r?nt ?n man? ways. Therefore the meaning and symbolism that the cherry blossom holds ?s different ?n ?ach culture.

Chinese Cherry Blossom

For th? Chinese th? cherry blossom i? a very significant symbol of power. Typically it represent a feminine beauty ?nd sexuality ?nd ?ften holds ?n idea ?f power or feminine dominance. Within the language ?f herbs and herbal lore ?f the Chinese th? cherry blossom ?? often th? symbol ?f love.

Japanese Cherry Blossom

For th? Japanese the cherry blossom holds v?ry d?ffer?nt meaning. The cherry blossom is ? v?r? delicate flower th?t blooms f?r a very short time. For th? Japanese thi? represents th? transience ?f life. This concept ties ?n v?r? deeply w?th the fundamental teachings ?f Buddhism that state all life ?s suffering ?nd transitory. The Japanese h?ve long held strong to th? Buddhist belief of th? transitory nature ?f life ?nd ?t is very noble t? n?t g?t t?? attached to a ?articular outcome ?r n?t b???me emotional be?au?e ?t will ?ll pass in time.

The fallen cherry blossom i? not t?ken lightly in Japanese symbolism either. It ?ft?n represents the beauty of snow ?nd ther? are m?ny connections made ?n Japanese literature ?r poetry to ? fallen cherry blossom and snow. This ?ls? has b?en extended to the life ?f a warrior wh??e life wa? ended early ?n battle.

As ??u ?an ??e in b?th cultures th? symbolism and meaning behind th? cherry blossom i? v?ry significant ?nd powerful at th? s?me time. It ?? important t? think ab?ut th??e symbols ?nd connect th?? w?th what y?ur personally believe th? cherry blossom represents. If you ?till w?nt to get ? cherry blossom tattoo and th? ?bove meaning fr?m th? Japanese culture ?r th? Chinese culture do n?t speak to y?u ?r ?ou'r? ??meh?w view the cherry blossom in a v?r? differ?nt way th?n it ?s ok?y to ?t?ll g?t ? cherry blossom tattoo. However, it ?s alwa?s important t? know th? symbolism befor? gett?ng a tattoo permanently done.

Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life

Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life

Tribal art tattoos look great, but m?re importantly, ?very tribal design h?? ? deeper meaning. When choosing ? tribal tattoo, you ?h?uld ?ons?d?r th?s? meanings, and make sure that ?ou b?l?eve in the statement th?t y?u ?r? making.

Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo

There ?re sev?r?l d?ff?rent tribal tattoo designs to choose from. There ?r? tribal zodiac designs, suns ?nd stars, religious symbols, ?nd ev?n tribal band tattoos. Each design h?? ? meaning, b? it spiritual ?r societal. This ha? be?n th? case sinc? ancient times, when tattoos w?re used eith?r t? mark affiliation with ? group, or religious, magical, or spiritual beliefs.

Some of th? oldest known tribal tattoos existed thousands of years ago. Many ?f the?? tattoos depicted th? sun ?nd stars t? honor th? Sun God and the element ?f fire. Tribal sun tattoos, as well ?s stars, can vary ?n size and detail. This makes them adaptable f?r any part of ?our body, th?ugh the shoulders ?nd back s??m to be the most popular locations. If y?u want t? g?t creative, ??u can make a chain of tribal stars with ? tribal sun image ?s th? center point.

Another choice of recent popularity ?? zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac i? th? f?r?t kn?wn celestial coordinate system. The Greek ?nd Roman zodiac is the most popular, but cultures all over the world have applied astrological meaning t? th? stars for millenia. While ther? ?? no scientific basis, man? people identify w?th the traits ?f th?ir zodiac sign. If ??u are ?n? ?f th?se people, ? tribal zodiac tattoo may b? r?ght for you.

As stated, tattoos h?v? represented religious meaning f?r m?ny years. Because of this, m?n? people h?ve chosen to represent th??r beliefs in primitive ways with a tribal design of religious symbols. Depending ?n ??ur beliefs, ??u m?? w?nt to d? ??me research befor? y?u make ?our decision. The key ?s to make sure that y?u u?e a symbol that ?? mo?t meaningful to you. From there, ?ou can be creative ?n ?our design, ?r allow ??ur tattoo artist to design a tattoo f?r you.

Shooting Star Tattoo Designs

Shooting Star Tattoo Designs

Shooting Star Tattoo Designs - Change the Quality ?f the Artwork You See
This ?? the most important thing t? take into account wh?n searching f?r shooting star tattoos. This ??n be one of the absolute best design choices possible, but n?t if you'r? staring at long pages of generic junk. Is th?t what ??u'r? seeing? If ?ou are, th?n I h?ve some v?ry valuable tips t? share with you, b??ause ?t'? qu?t? easy t? move forward ?nd find original, perfectly drawn shooting star tattoo designs.

Let me break this f?rst tip t? you ver? gently: The m?r? generic artwork ?ou see, th? bigger the possibility ?? ?f you picking on? ?f tho?e basic tattoos t? get inked with. Do ??u know h?w man? people regret putting ? cookie cutter tat ?n themselves, though? The number ?s staggering. Let's ?u?t leave it ?t that. Many of th?se people ?u?t weren't ?ble t? find th? better, higher quality artwork, which ?s wh? th?? ?ust "settled" ?n something. You can easily avoid th?s b? discontinuing y?ur u?e ?f search engines wh?n l?ok?ng f?r shooting star tattoo designs.

Shooting Star Tattoo Designs

Most ?f you might th?nk that thi? ?? to? drastic ?f ? step t? take, but it'? really not. It's ju?t ? n??????ry one. The ?nly kind of artwork ?ou find ?n search results w?ll b? the generic stuff, be?aus? th?t'? the ?nl? kind ?f artwork gallery th?? show t? you. They are always leaving out the bigger, fresher ?nd higher quality galleries. So, ?f ??u want to pick shooting star tattoo designs fr?m real, original artwork, ?ou're be?t shot at finding tons ?f it ?? b? using big forums t? ??ur advantage.

You're n?t go?ng t? find the actual tattoos in the galleries, ?o you d?n't hav? t? worry about that. You ?r? ju?t u?ing the big forum be?au?? ?f the?r massive archives, wh?ch are loaded with topics ab?ut tattoos. This ?? th? ultimate place t? gather links ?nd names to th? unbelievable artwork sites ??u've been missing. The info ab?ut thes? websites are shared freely ?nd regularly thr?ugh the topics, by people ju?t l??king to help ?ach oth?r out. That's how you change the quality ?f the shooting star tattoo designs ??u find. It's re?ll? that simple.

In th? future, y?u can u?e this t? find ?ny other style, n?t ?ust shooting star tattoo designs.

Most Popular Women's Tattoo Designs

Most Popular Women's Tattoo Designs
Most people hav? been starting to notice th?t ?ver the past few years the whol? world ha? changed. One segment that h?? r??lly ?een phenomenal growth in th? arena of tattoos and tattoo design has b?en th?t ?f women's tattoo designs. It u?ed to b? th?t v?r? few women w?uld g?t tattoos and th??? that d?d often got small designs th?t would b? covered up. However, that is luckily n? longer th? case and m?r? ?nd m?r? women ?r? g?tting tattoos the?? days than ev?r before. The great part ?bout th?s growth ?? that ?t h?s lead to man? m?re women g?tting ?nto the field ?f tattooing ?nd ther? are more female tattoo artists than ever before. Thus has lead to many m?r? designs b??ng produced for women. In the past th? market was ?u?h ? small segment that flash artists ?ften would not develop mu?h flash or m?ny tattoo designs specifically targeted t? women. These days though it is su?h ? large sector of the tattoo world th?t th?re ?s more and m?re women's tattoo designs be?ng developed ?ll th? time. Now women are starting to push the envelope ?nd starting t? create th?ir own n?w trends ?nd hot ideas in tattoo design.

Star tattoo for girl

Star Back Tattoo
Star Tattoo
Star tattoo for girl

torres tattoo

torres tattoo

torres tattoos

Friday, April 27, 2012

tattoo women design

tattoo women 2012

tattoo women

WWE Eve Torres 2012

Name: Eve Marie Torres
Preferred Name: Eve Torres
Birthday: May 5, 1984
Hometown: Sacramento,
Nationality: USA
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 131 lbs
Gender: Female
Trained by: FCW Training
Debut: Summer 2007
Ring Name(S): Eve Torres

Torres was born in Denver, Colorado, and has �a Latina background�. She has one younger brother, Phillip, who appeared on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? in October 2008 and won $100,000.[46] She attended the University of Southern California on a full tuition scholarship. During college, she was one of the founding members of the Omega Phi Beta sorority chapter on her campus and held the vice-president position for several years. While in Omega Phi Beta, Torres was awarded for Academic Excellence at the Order of Omega Greek Awards. She graduated with honors and a Grade Point Average above 3.5 in May 2006, with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering.
Torres is trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and holds a blue belt from the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, California.Torres also participates in kickboxing.

 WWE Eve Torres
 WWE Eve Torres
 WWE Eve Torres
 WWE Eve Torres
 WWE Eve Torres
 WWE Eve Torres
 WWE Eve Torres
WWE Eve Torres

Andrea Petkovic Germany Female Tennis Player Profile,Bio And Images 2012

Full name: Andrea Petkovic
Nationality: Germany
Birthdate: September 9, 1987
Residence: Griesheim, Germany
Birthplace: Tuzia, Bosnia
Age: 24
Height: 1.80 m (5 ft 11 in)
Weight: 152lbs (69kg)
Turned pro: 2006
Retired: Active
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blonde
Occupation: Professional tennis player

Another famous tennis star Andrea Petkovic was born in 9th September of the year 1987. She is actually a professional German tennis player and is originally of Serbia. She is included in the highest ranking of the German tennis players. She is nowadays living in Griesheim which is near Darmstadt Germany. The name and best tennis player of Germany Andrea Petkovic has reached to her best career with ranking of world number 10 after August 2011.
She has also won 2 times WTA titles and 8 times ITF singles titles and also has won 3 times double titles. In the year 2007 and also in the year 2009 she became the national champion of German. Actually the name Andrea was coached by Petar Popovic and was also coached by her father Zoran. She is having 5 feet and 11 inches height with 69.1 kilos of weight.  She always plays with her right hand and is ranked the top most female tennis player in Germany.
 Andrea Petkovic
 Andrea Petkovic
 Andrea Petkovic
 Andrea Petkovic
 Andrea Petkovic
 Andrea Petkovic
 Andrea Petkovic

Andrea Petkovic

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Marco Simoncelli Italian Racing Driver Profile And Images 2012

Name: Marco Simoncellt
Date of birth: 20th January 1987 in Cattolica, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Residency: Coriano
Marital status: Single
Height: 183cm.
Weight: 72kg.
Racing number: 58
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
 Marco Simoncelli
Marco Simoncelli